Enam Honya Heikeens aus Ghana leidet unter einer seltenen Hautkrankheit. Vitiligo heißt die Störung, bei der Melanozyten in der Haut zerstört werden. Das Ergebnis: Weiße Flecken am gesamten Körper.

- Enam Honya Heikeens, a beautiful Ghanaian nurse, has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo - The condition which has no cure with the cause also unknown, started for Enam when she was only 7 - After having her fair share of the extreme stigmatization the condition comes with, Enam now dedicates her time educating others and helping people with vitiligo deal with the stigma A beautiful Ghanaian nurse by name Enam Honya Heikeens has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo which started when she was only seven. In an interview with Legit.ng, Enam indicates that she now helps people to also fight against the stigma that people suffer due to their condition, mentioning that it has not been an easy journey at all. Read more: https://www.legit.ng/1334011-meet-stunning-ghanaian-nurse-black-skin-by-vitiligo.html
- Enam Honya Heikeens, a beautiful Ghanaian nurse, has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo - The condition which has no cure with the cause also unknown, started for Enam when she was only 7 - After having her fair share of the extreme stigmatization the condition comes with, Enam now dedicates her time educating others and helping people with vitiligo deal with the stigma A beautiful Ghanaian nurse by name Enam Honya Heikeens has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo which started when she was only seven. In an interview with Legit.ng, Enam indicates that she now helps people to also fight against the stigma that people suffer due to their condition, mentioning that it has not been an easy journey at all. Read more: https://www.legit.ng/1334011-meet-stunning-ghanaian-nurse-black-skin-by-vitiligo.html
- Enam Honya Heikeens, a beautiful Ghanaian nurse, has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo - The condition which has no cure with the cause also unknown, started for Enam when she was only 7 - After having her fair share of the extreme stigmatization the condition comes with, Enam now dedicates her time educating others and helping people with vitiligo deal with the stigma A beautiful Ghanaian nurse by name Enam Honya Heikeens has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo which started when she was only seven. In an interview with Legit.ng, Enam indicates that she now helps people to also fight against the stigma that people suffer due to their condition, mentioning that it has not been an easy journey at all. Read more: https://www.legit.ng/1334011-meet-stunning-ghanaian-nurse-black-skin-by-vitiligo.html

In ihrer Heimat dachten Mitmenschen anfangs an einen Zauber - wie so oft, wenn sie sich etwas nicht erklären können. Für Enam änderte sich ihr Blick auf ihr Aussehen, als sie in ihrer Schule einer Frau begegnete, die unter der gleichen Krankheit litt.

Meet stunning Ghanaian nurse whose black skin has been taken over by vitiligo 20 days ago 34508 views by Legit.ng Joseph Omotayo - Enam Honya Heikeens, a beautiful Ghanaian nurse, has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo - The condition which has no cure with the cause also unknown, started for Enam when she was only 7 - After having her fair share of the extreme stigmatization the condition comes with, Enam now dedicates her time educating others and helping people with vitiligo deal with the stigma A beautiful Ghanaian nurse by name Enam Honya Heikeens has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo which started when she was only seven. In an interview with Legit.ng, Enam indicates that she now helps people to also fight against the stigma that people suffer due to their condition, mentioning that it has not been an easy journey at all. Read more: https://www.legit.ng/1334011-meet-stunning-ghanaian-nurse-black-skin-by-vitiligo.html
- Enam Honya Heikeens, a beautiful Ghanaian nurse, has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo - The condition which has no cure with the cause also unknown, started for Enam when she was only 7 - After having her fair share of the extreme stigmatization the condition comes with, Enam now dedicates her time educating others and helping people with vitiligo deal with the stigma A beautiful Ghanaian nurse by name Enam Honya Heikeens has had her beautiful black skin taken over by a skin condition called vitiligo which started when she was only seven. In an interview with Legit.ng, Enam indicates that she now helps people to also fight against the stigma that people suffer due to their condition, mentioning that it has not been an easy journey at all. Read more: https://www.legit.ng/1334011-meet-stunning-ghanaian-nurse-black-skin-by-vitiligo.html

Sie lässt sich von ihrem Zustand nicht entmutigen und sie lebt damit seit sie 7 Jahre alt ist. Enam verbringt ihre Zeit und Energie damit anderen Betroffenen zu helfen und diese aufzuklären, wie sie damit umgehen solllten.

Diese tapfere und starke Frau ist Heute i eine Botschafterin für ihre Krankheit und Influencerin auf Instagram.

Ihre Botschaft: Jeder ist auf seine Art schön!


Enam Honya Heikeens